How to organize a ceremony

How to organize a ceremony?

In order to organize a ceremony that meets all the criteria, here is a suggested method that you can follow step by step. You can do with any other method as long as your ceremonies complies with the criteria of the guide.

Choosing the ceremony venue

Participants can be welcomed in a first location (e.g. a meeting room) to explain the ceremony and allow them to prepare their paper. But the ceremony itself (video and photos) must take place in a single and outdoor location (cf. criterion 2, unity of location). It must not be changed during the ceremony.

The ceremony location must be :

  • large enough to allow the entire group of participants to be photographed and counted in the photograph (cf. criterion 6, with all participants) ;

  • outdoors, so that the background shows landmarks that can be easily recognized by satellite view (cf. criterion 5, a background recognizable by satellite);

  • with a large, vertical object such as a pole, antenna or flagpole, so that the direction of the shadow of this object can be clearly seen on the ground (cf. criterion 18, the shadow on the ground of a vertical object and criterion 19, an azimuth that can be identified by satellite);

  • away from any other ceremonies taking place on the same day (cf. criterion 8, ceremonies that are simultaneous in time but distant in space), to avoid, as far as possible, a person taking part in two ceremonies held shortly apart (otherwise the person could be counted twice).

Choosing the date and time of the ceremony

You need to plan a date and time

  • when there’s a good chance of sunshine and a clear view of the shadow of the large vertical object on the ground (cf. criterion 18, the shadow on the ground of a vertical object) ;

  • at the same time as other ceremonies taking place in the vicinity (cf. criterion 8, ceremonies simultaneous in time but distant in space), to avoid some participants having time to run to another ceremony to be counted twice; try to coordinate with other organizers nearby so that your ceremonies are simultaneously held.

Inviting participants

You need to :

  • inform participants of the TerraCommuni ceremony;

  • motivate participants, explaining why they should contribute to the project by participating;

  • arrange to meet participants at the time and place of the ceremony.

Identifying an assistant from among the participants

Agree with this assistant that, during the ceremony, he/she will hold :

  • the ceremony sheet (see criterion 17, the ceremony sheet) ;

  • a thread suspended between his thumb and forefinger (cf. criterion 20, a suspended thread) ;

  • the sheet and thread in such a way that the shadow of his index finger can be seen on the sheet (cf. criterion 21, the shadow of the thumb and index finger);

  • he’ll have to turn so that the sun is neither in front of him nor behind him, but on an imaginary rainbow that goes from his left to his right, passing over his head.

Preparing the ceremony

Handwrite with large and clearly legible words (see Criterion 17, the ceremony sheet):

  • the “TerraCommuni” name and logo

  • the organizer’s identifier (phone number or email address) so that it can be counted;

  • the assistant’s identifier (phone number or email address) so that it can be counted;

  • the longitude and latitude of the ceremony location (with at least 4 digits after the decimal point); this information is displayed by your smartphone in the Add new ceremony form if you are physically at the location of the ceremony ; if you are not there yet, you can look for that place on OpenStreetMap or Google Maps to get its exact latitude and longitude.

  • the date of the ceremony (but not yet the exact time).

Leave space on the sheet for other information to be entered at the last moment (see below).

Welcoming participants

You’ll need to :

  • distribute a blank sheet of paper and a thick black pen (not a bic pen or pencil) to each participant with a telephone number or e-mail address;

  • ask everyone to write “TerraCommuni” in large, legible letters at the top of the sheet of paper (cf. criterion 10, the word TerraCommuni on each piece of paper);

  • ask everyone to write their telephone number or e-mail address large and clearly on their sheet of paper (cf. criterion 9, identifiers and criterion 11, one paper per identifier);

  • ask everyone to also write down the number of participants represented by this telephone number or e-mail address (a participant is not allowed to be represented by several telephone numbers or e-mail addresses at the ceremony); for example, if a mother has come with her 5 children, then she writes “6 people” (or “x 6” with the multiplication sign) under her telephone number and no other mother can count these 5 children (cf. criteria 12, shareable identifiers, 13, several participants per identifier and 14, only one participant per identifier).

When all the sheets have been filled in, you still need to :

  • check that each participant is counted once and only once on the sheets (no one is counted twice and everyone is counted correctly, cf. criterion 15, an exact count); correct if necessary;

  • check that the sheet is clearly legible (cf. criterion 16, clearly legible identifiers and numbers), don’t hesitate to start again if it’s badly written or too small or not black enough on a white background, for example.

Completing the ceremony sheet

Everything’s ready, and the ceremony is about to begin. You need to complete the ceremony sheet (see criterion 17, the ceremony sheet) by taking additional information from the Add new ceremony form:

  • add the local time (the time at which the first video or photo will be taken) ;

  • copy onto the sheet the “block number” that appears in the form; for example “number 17564209” ;

  • copy onto the sheet the “block hash” code that appears in the forme; for example “hash 0x89-2ba1”.

If the ceremony organizer doesn’t have access to the Internet, he can phone a friend with whom he has agreed in advance to provide this information at the last moment (to make sure he has the number and hash of the latest block added to the Ethereum blockchain, using the Add new ceremony form).

Setting up participants

You need to explain to the participants that:

  • first, we’ll be filming the entire group answering the organizer’s questions ;

  • then we’ll take 3 photos of the whole group;

  • then we’ll move in closer to film each small group of participants with their own sheet seen up close;

  • finally, the organizer will say when the ceremony is over.

The whole group should be set up in the ceremony area, close to the large vertical object, but without hiding its shadow on the ground (cf. criterion 18, the shadow on the ground of a vertical object, criterion 19, an azimuth that can be located by satellite). Ideally, the shadow should be in front of the group so that we can clearly see its direction on the ground.

Filming the shadow on the ground and the entire group answering

In a single video:

  • start by filming the vertical object;

  • then turn to its shadow on the ground;

  • then turn to the landmark it’s pointing at;

  • then, without interrupting the video, show the organizer’s assistant, who is holding the vertical wire and the ceremonial sheet;

  • finally, show the entire group and ask them the question aloud: “We are together in Paris, France, on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 1:53 p.m. for a TerraCommuni ceremony. If you agree, repeat after me “YES, WE ARE TOGETHER! " and the participants repeat “YES, WE ARE TOGETHER!” (see criteria 4, unity of action and 7, visibly real and alive). (You say the correct place, date and time of course, this is just an example).

Taking 3 photos of the whole group

Take photos of the entire group from 3 different angles, so as to :

  • see different background markers (cf. criterion 5, a background recognizable by satellite),

  • be able to count all participants (cf. criterion 6, with all participants and criterion 15, an exact count),

  • have at least one photo of the group where the sun is to the left, above or to the right of the organizer (on an imaginary rainbow running from his left to his right, i.e. neither in front of nor behind him) and where his assistant, his hand holding the thread and the shadow of his thumb and forefinger on the ceremony sheet can be clearly seen (cf. criterion 22, at the same distance from the thread and the shadow of the thread, and criterion 17, the ceremony sheet).

Filming or photographing the sheets more closely

  • Ask each group to stand close to its sheet.

  • If there are fewer than a hundred participants, or if the space is large enough, they can form a very large circle around the organizer. If not, they can be arranged in small groups next to and behind each other, as if on a checkerboard.

  • The first sheet to be filmed or photographed by the organizer is the ceremony sheet, held by his assistant (see criterion 17, the ceremony sheet). On the ceremony sheet, the shadow of the assistant’s index finger and thumb should be visible (cf. criteria 20, a hanging thread and 21, the shadow of the thumb and index finger). To orientate himself correctly in relation to the sun, the organizer should imagine a rainbow that begins on his left, passes over his head and ends on his right. The sun must be somewhere on this rainbow, and therefore neither in front of nor behind the organizer. The assistant and the organizer must therefore turn facing each other until the sun is somewhere exactly on this imaginary rainbow above them (cf. criterion 22, at the same distance from the wire and the wire’s shadow).

  • The organizer then systematically passes from group to group to film or photograph the sheet and the participants in each group up close. It must be possible to count the number of participants in each group without error (if necessary, ask the smallest to move to the front and the biggest to the back, for example). It should be easy to read the inscriptions on all their sheets of paper (cf. criterion 16, clearly legible identifiers and numbers).

Publishing the ceremony

You’ll need to :

  • Thank the participants. The ceremony is over. Participants may receive TerraCommuni messages on their phone or e-mail address. But beware of scams.

  • As quickly as possible (see Criterion 3, the unit of time and Criterion 23, a quickly published ceremony), go to the Add a new ceremony form and fill it with your pictures, videos (see Criterion 1, video and photo evidence) and with the information as it is handwritten on the ceremony paper sheets. Do not leave the default value in the form fields. The information in the form should be exactly the same as the one seen on the picture and video of the ceremony papersheet. Submit your ceremony by clicking on the “Add ceremony” button and wait for the submission and uploading or your pictures and videos to be completed.

  • As soon as the organizer is able to do so (or immediately if possible), he/she also provides also provide the list of identifiers and number of participants visible in the ceremony pictures and video (cf. criterion 24, data completed later by the organizer).